Join the Emergencies Partnership 


We have a number of ways you can connect with the partners in the network and build relationships before you need them, so that it is always a 'How are you?' and not 'Who are you?'

  1. Join the Partnership: Become a standing bone fide partner by signing up to simple principles of collaboration. If you are a voluntary or community sector organisation, a statutory partner or a local or national government agency, we welcome you into the Partnership. Start with a call with our team and then join any of our events and activities as it suits you. 

  2. Monthly EP bulletin: Our bulletin will keep you informed and updated on emergency responses, preparedness plans, situational awareness, latest news and reports from the sector, and upcoming events in the emergency planning and resilience space. Sign up here.

  3. Monthly Network Calls: Listen to the latest updates and news from across the Partnership. We invite central government and policymakers along with experts from within our network to share and, most importantly, hear your questions and feedback. Connect with our Head of Partnerships, Jon Vangorph, to be added to the invite list.

  4. Capability building events: Share and learn the skills you need to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. We focus on creating the space to learn from others in the Partnership through speakers and small discussion groups. Explore how we can tackle emerging and existing challenges together. Events are advertised on our website and in our monthly bulletins.

  5. Partnership in Practice events: Make friends before you need them. Our regional calls are the space to build connections across places and communities of interest. We focus on developing local solutions to shared problems, creating space for partners to exchange knowledge and insight on common aspects, lessons and themes.

    The approaches to these topics could be through regional tabletop exercises to build understanding of emergencies and each other, or through breakout spaces convening by partner type or geographical area (urban, rural, coastal).

    Get in touch with Becky Maynard if you are based in the South-West or North, Abubaker Adam if you are based in the Midlands & East, or the South-East, or Emily Coatham for London.

  6. EP Listen & Learns: Bring your team together with the EP team to workshop how the Partnership can work for you. Get in touch with Head of Partnerships, Jon Vangorph to arrange a session.

A quick reminder, why staying connected and involved is crucial to emergency response:

  1. Better outcomes for people at risk of or impacted by emergencies. By learning, sharing and leaning on the diversity of experience, connections and skills across the partnership – the people and communities that all of us are dedicated to supporting will have access to the compassionate support they need when they need it most.  

  2. More opportunities to make connections that add value. Strengthen your local, regional, and national networks and connections and build trusted relationships across the sector and statutory bodies including with Local Resilience Forums. 

  3. Access to actionable information and intelligence. Through sharing learning, data, best practice and insight across different communities, through organisations as well as in and out of government we’ll all be better equipped to prepare and respond. 

  4. Develop skills and capability. Building your individual, team and organisational capabilities and skills in emergency preparedness and response enables us all to better serve our communities.

  5. Greater influence through a collective voice. Together we raise awareness and combine sector voices on the changes needed to build resilience to and recovery from major shocks. Strength in numbers allows us to go further with the impact as individual organisations and as a sector partnership.