Networks of Trust – launching the Emergencies Partnership’s 2023/24 impact report
We’ve heard a lot about trust in the past year, a year of huge political and societal change culminating in a general election and a new government pledging to restore trust in politicians, perhaps even politics itself.
Trust may at first seem intangible but, as our latest impact report – Networks of Trust – shows, its benefits are not. The report details the impact of our work in the financial year 2023/24 and tells, in our partners’ own words, why trust building is vital to the whole-of-society approach to resilience we’re all aiming for.
You don’t have to read too far into the first report of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry for evidence of why trust is such a hot topic right now. With trust, conflict and uncertainty can be transformed into cooperation and collaboration. Things go wrong but strong trust allows more people into the conversation and more diverse perspectives to be heard, understood and accounted for.
At the Emergencies Partnership, ‘Making trusted connections’ is written into our DNA (and indeed our strategy). It’s one of three focus areas central to our mission to be a mobilising force, bringing organisations across the voluntary and community sector together with partners in local and national government, to deliver a more co-ordinated and person-centred response to emergencies.
What you’ll see in this report, we hope, is trust grows understanding and oils the wheels of collaboration. And we hope you’ll agree that in a world full of complex and layered hazards, it’s well worth the effort!