VCS Emergencies Partnership director Robyn Knox takes part in Emergency Services Times webinar on turning lessons from emergencies into action


Baroness Hallett said in the first report from the Covid Inquiry that citizens were 'failed' by the bureaucracy of emergency planning and there should be fundamental reform. Part of that failing is not learning the lessons of the past, so what must change?

That’s the background to the discussion taking place on Thursday, February, 13, at 2pm, when the VCS Emergencies Partnership teams up with the Emergency Services Times to discuss how better joining up the blue lights with the voluntary sector can help us challenge and change the “system” to deliver emergency preparedness, response and recovery approaches that put people and communities at the heart, from the start.

Chaired by Emergency Services Times editor Catherine Levin, the discussion will take place between Emergencies Partnership director Robyn Knox, Dr Andrew McClelland, research fellow (societal resilience), University of Manchester, and Matt Hogan, head of partnerships, governance and assurance, for London Resilience.

Here’s the link to save your spot!