This summer's riots - we want to hear your experiences...


Calling all civil society and voluntary, community and faith sector groups who were impacted by this summer’s riots:

If you, your organisation, or the people you work with and for were impacted directly or indirectly by the racism and Islamophobia that took place over August, we would like to hear about your experiences.

We’re working with social cohesion specialists to gather people’s experiences and examples of how civil society organisations and the VCS helped restore calm and provide support.

The submissions are open until Friday 22 November. Outputs from this will be combined with 1-1 interviews, group workshops, and relevant research into these issues conducted by others. It will then be shared back with the sector.

Whilst we all hope the events of this summer are never repeated, this project will provide useful insight into lessons identified, stories of good practice and recommendations that our partners and beyond can use to strengthen the bonds within communities and be better prepared.

For more information please contact

NewsGeorgia Allen