National Risk Register
Every two years the Cabinet Office reviews and updates the National Risk Register. With the latest review due this December, the newly updated risk register provides a government assessment of the likelihood and potential impact of a range of different malicious and non-malicious national security risks (including natural hazards, industrial accidents, malicious attacks, and others).
Helping to frame the context of the session, we will open with colleagues from Greater Manchester (GM) Combined Authority sharing details of how they work with the National Risk Register and National Security Risk Assessment, distilling its content down from a national lens to regional and then borough levels.
We will also have Salford CVS speaking on how they work with the GM Combined Authority to translate the Risk Register to communities and the lessons and actions taken from 2017 flooding in GM.
The rest of the session will then be spend splitting into two breakout rooms:
Introduction and overview of the National Risk Register - pitched at those who are unfamiliar with the risk register and wishing to develop a broad understanding of how it’s developed and what organisations can draw from it.
National Risk Register in use – pitched at those who are already analysing and taking or formulating their actions from it. Here, partners can discuss how they use the Risk Register within their organisation and share good practice tips.
Thursday, 26 January 2023, 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Click here to register.