How extreme weather is impacting communities

The UK has long been known for its unpredictable weather; however, in recent years, this has become more extreme and frequent. Whether it is flooding, storms or heatwaves, when such emergencies happen in the UK, it can be voluntary and community sector organisations that are well-placed to identify those most in need of support, knowing people in their communities best. So, what are the potential emergencies linked to climate change and how could they impact us? 

Heatwaves and Fires 

Global temperatures have been rising for decades, but July 2022 broke records as temperatures of over 40˚C were recorded for the first time in the UK. This prompted the Met Office to issue a Red Extreme Heat Weather Warning, the UK Health Security Agency to announce a Level 4 Heat Health Alert, and the UK government to declare the heatwave as a national emergency. For climate scientists and meteorological experts, the effect of climate change on heatwave events is clear. According to the Met Office, “the increase in the frequency, duration, and intensity of these events (heatwaves) over recent decades is clearly linked to the observed warming of the planet and can be attributed to human activity.” 

The impact of extremely high temperatures on at-risk groups within communities can be serious. The Office for National Statistics has stated that in the UK between the 10 - 25 July 2022, with the highest temperatures of the heatwave on the 18/19 July, there were over 2200 excess deaths. Identifying those who could be most at-risk in these high temperatures, whether that is because of ill-health, poor quality housing or a lack of resources, can help find where and who may be most in need of support. With the frequency of heatwaves expected to increase, this is even more important as we work to increase both personal and community resilience to a hotter future.  

Last year’s heatwave also saw wildfires, with fire brigades in Leicestershire, South Yorkshire, Norfolk, and London declaring major incidents and the latter saying Tuesday 19 July was their busiest day since the Second World War. Before last summer, the UK had rarely been associated with wildfires, however, as we look set to face longer periods of dry, hot weather, the risk of wildfires is also likely to increase. Vegetation on heath and grasslands, and even in parks, can become ‘tinderbox dry’ and therefore the perfect fuel for fires. The initial spark can come from nature, such as a lightning strike, however, in the UK it is far more common for human intervention to play a role. Bonfires, cigarette butts, broken glass and disposable BBQs can all lead to wildfires. According to Natural England, “some of the biggest risks of wildfires here in England comes from a lack of understanding of how our behaviour can affect our natural spaces.” Sharing advice and warnings about the impacts of improperly disposed items could help reduce the risk and damage caused.  

Some of the biggest risks of wildfires here in England comes from a lack of understanding of how our behaviour can affect our natural spaces
— Natural England

Flooding and Erosion 

Rising global temperatures, due to climate change, is leading to greater incidences of extreme rainfall, and therefore flooding. High temperatures cause evaporation from large bodies of water, creating water vapour which gathers in the atmosphere forming clouds. The warmer the weather, the more water vapour in the atmosphere, and the heavier the eventual rainfall.  

Environment Agency research shows that 5.2 million properties in the UK, around 1 in 6, are susceptible to flooding. However, this isn’t just those near rivers, with 3.8 million properties at risk from surface water flooding. This can be common in towns and cities where there is less green space to absorb rainfall and more impermeable hard surfaces such as concrete. Only one million of the properties are also at risk of flooding from rivers and seas (2.8 million therefore are not), demonstrating how flooding can no longer be seen as something isolated to the countryside. All communities should check their flood risk to ensure they know the areas most likely to need support if heavy rainfall and flooding occurs.  

Flooding can leave people isolated, without power and unable to reach food or medication, which can be life-threatening, particularly for those who may have pre-existing health conditions. It can also cause thousands of pounds worth of damage to homes and possessions and have a detrimental effect on mental health. Ensuring that those who are at-risk receive advance warnings and know how to prepare for such an event is vital in reducing the impact on the most vulnerable and increasing their, and therefore the community’s, resilience.  

Whilst surface water flooding is more associated with urban areas, coastal and rural communities are facing increased risk from the sea and estuaries. Global temperature increases are leading to rising sea levels as glaciers and ice sheets melt. In turn, the risk of coastal flooding and erosion is also rising, with a report in the Ocean and Coastal Management journal stating almost 200,000 homes in England could be threatened by 2050. Although 2050 may seem a while away, coastal communities are already feeling the impact as rising sea levels and increased extreme weather has seen cliffs erode at an alarming rate. Just this month, cliff-top homes in Norfolk have been demolished before they can fall into the sea. In the six months from December 2021 to June 2022, parts of the cliff in Hemsby were eroded by 4.6 metres and in February this year, three metres was lost in just two days. An Environment Agency spokesperson told the BBC, “Climate change, sea level rise and increased storminess will increase the rate of change which will threaten the resilience of coastal communities if no action is taken." 

How is the Cost-of-Living Crisis impacting resilience to these events? 

The impact of the cost-of-living crisis is being felt by households around the country and can even affect people’s resilience to climate and weather-related emergencies. For example, more people are struggling to both heat and cool their homes in extreme temperatures which can lead to a range of health conditions and exacerbate pre-existing ones, particularly in the elderly, disabled or very young.  

Furthermore, households are cutting back on expenses they feel are not as essential, having to prioritise food and utilities. Research by the Resolution Foundation found that just 33% of the poorest households have contents insurance, with 36% saying they would like to, but cannot afford it. With rising living costs, it is likely that even more people will not be able to afford to purchase such insurance, however, with the frequency of flooding and climate-related events such as wildfires following heatwaves expected to increase in the future, this could lead to some of the most vulnerable families losing everything and only reducing their resilience.  

Why do we need to know this? 

Whilst this may seem like a list of things that could potentially lead to an emergency, for the voluntary and community sector, it is important to know what some of the biggest risks to our communities may be going forward. This aids preparedness planning, helping to identify who could be most in need of support should/when these events occur and what can be put in place ahead of time to reduce the impacts on the most vulnerable. In the coming years, more frequent climate-related emergencies are expected, both direct and more obvious such as heatwaves, and indirect such as flash flooding in drought conditions, due to a heatwave. We must consider these events and act now to increase resilience within our communities and ensure we reduce the devastating impacts these types of events can have.