Lessons identified vs. Lessons learnt

How do we move from identifying lessons to ensuring they’re learnt and embedded into practice?

This was the focus of the November VCS Emergencies Partnership Capability Event, as we explored the shift in approach that might be necessary to make this happen.

Framed in the context of lessons routinely occurring for the same hardest hit groups, discussion focussed on the necessary distinctions between intersectionality, the hyper-marginalised and inequalities more generally. Together we explored how different methods that combine risk and rights-based approaches could move us forwards.

There was recognition that operationally there is much to champion in effective engagement with communities but strategically, ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’ and more needs to be done to diversify planning and practice.

Watch Kevin Blanchard’s presentation below, or follow the link to the full recording at the bottom of the page.

Here are links to the recording, presentations and relevant documents:

Catch up on the full meeting here.