“We’ve changed things, a lot for the better, but there is still work to be done.”
How Suffolk’s LRF and VCS have implemented lessons to better understand each other.
The relationship between Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) and the voluntary and community sector (VCS) differs drastically across the country. Whilst in some areas, VCS organisations play a key role in their LRF’s preparedness, response and recovery planning, this is not the case in others.
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, Suffolk Resilience Forum (SRF) recognised lessons needed to be learnt. Along with the county’s voluntary and community sector, they felt their engagement and understanding of each other needed improving, so decided on a new approach. Suffolk Voluntary and Community Sector Emergencies Partnership (VCSEP) was formed by the VCS and LRF, co-chaired by the local authority’s Collaborative Communities Board, SRF and Community Action Suffolk’s CEO Hannah Reid. “This coincided with the UK Government Resilience Framework being published and their whole society approach to resilience,” says Becky Heginbotham-Blount, SRF’s partnership manager. “There is a lot of emphasis on community resilience which was another instigator to be more engaged with the voluntary sector.”
To understand how they could better involve the VCS, Suffolk Resilience Forum organised a workshop with their VCS partners. “It was their meeting, so we asked each organisation to give an overview of what they did, their capabilities and what they wanted to get out of the meeting,” Becky explains, “It was an opportunity to learn from what had and hadn’t worked before.” Previously the LRF liaised with the sector through the Suffolk Voluntary Organisations Group (SVOG). “We’ve changed things,” Becky says, “a lot for the better, but there is still work to be done and so many opportunities for growth.”
A year on from their initial workshop, Suffolk VCSEP continues to build momentum and has established a standing agenda that provides space for all involved. The session allows 20 minutes for a VCS organisation to talk about their capabilities, and another 20 minutes for an emergency planning officer to talk through their plans and the role they envisage for the sector. “Every time we meet, we learn a bit more about what each other do. The purpose of the group is to network and maintain relationships outside of major incidents so when there is an incident, we are all aware of each other’s capabilities. We want to add value to Suffolk and its people, that’s our aim,” Becky explains.
The importance of building trusted connections and understanding is echoed by Hannah, Community Action Suffolk’s CEO, who says, “As a local infrastructure organisation (LIO) for Suffolk's voluntary sector, it is a clear function of our role to ensure organisations are valued and recognised for the role they play in supporting local communities during emergencies, but also that they are connected to others in the sector. Suffolk VCSEP is an excellent vehicle for this, bringing us all together in response, and as partners to learn from each other, create partnerships and understand the role each other plays.”
Whilst infrastructure organisations such as Community Action Suffolk (CAS) may not be the usual type of VCS partner for LRFs, Suffolk have found their input invaluable. “It’s great to have CAS as a conduit to thousands of charities and community groups, helping us better understand the massive capability of the voluntary sector,” Becky says, “Also, when you bring in other perspectives from people for whom this isn’t their bread-and-butter, they provide a greater diversity of experiences. This has really helped supercharge our work and supports Suffolk to be as prepared and resilient as possible.” This partnership working has been mutually beneficial, with CAS able to support their partners working in communities to increase preparedness. “We've all learnt so much about not just emergency response but, vitally, community preparedness and best practice in that space, which supports resilience and keeps residents safe and well,” Hannah explains.
This new approach has taken time, but Becky believes part of their success has come from having motivated people, all pushing in the same direction. “It’s trial and error and lots of learning. Perhaps geography helps,” she says. “I know some LRFs cover four local authority areas whereas we have the same boundaries as the county of Suffolk. I think if you have people who are driven and you all share the same vision of where you want to get to, that’s important. We have been lucky that all our partners could see the potential.”
Find out more about Suffolk VCSEP here.
If you are a VCS organisation or LRF looking to strengthen your relationships, the Emergencies Partnership can support this. Get in touch: info@vcsep.org.uk