Posts tagged Afghanistan Evacuation
Introducing the London Communities Emergencies Partnership

Addressing emergencies in London is demanding. The scale and complexity of the city, as well as the huge range and diversity of its charities and community groups, requires significant resources, knowledge and information sharing. It also needs organisations with expertise in emergency response as well as charities and groups with vital local knowledge about communities who can apply this when an emergency strikes..

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How the EP are supporting the arriving Afghan evacuees

The Emergencies Partnership were requested by the Home Office to provide additional help co-ordinating sector support for the Afghan arrivals and the wrap around support for the bridging accommodation.

A critical role that the Partnership played was the effective co-ordination at each stage of support required for the situation. We connected partners - collecting the donations that have come in from generous members of the public, sorting them for use, to packaging and distribution of these to the quarantine hotels – so that together we have been able to meet the needs of the evacuees.  

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