UK Community Foundations have published their annual report Philanthropy 2023 which highlights the determination of UK communities to overcome the financial crisis and the root causes of social inequity through local philanthropic activities.
Read MoreAneta Wujek from Communities 1st talks about the lessons the organisation learnt last winter, what they are planning this year, and the need they are anticipating for the coming months.
Read MoreVoluntary and Community Sector (VCS) response to the Israel-Occupied Palestinian Territory conflict, capability building event on building better relationships between the LRFs and the VCS, winter preparedness and highlights from Cost of Living: Lessons from the Sector report.
Read MoreIn July, we held our latest Capability Building Event as we explored the volunteering landscape in 2023.
Read MoreIn the final bulletin in this series, we focus on the how rising costs are affecting health outcomes, detailing the individual and systemic problems faced by those disproportionately impacted.
Read MoreIn the third bulletin in this series, we discuss the link between mental health and the cost-of-living crisis. The impact of this on the most vulnerable groups, actions taken by the government and partner activity and resources to help resolve the issue.
Read MoreLearn about our partner hub, packed with resources, the government’s new emergency alert system that will be tested in April 2023, the details of our next network call on Martyn’s Law and the impact of that on VCS organisations and find out how you can become the next director of the Emergencies Partnership.
Read MoreFood insecurity levels spiked at the start of the Pandemic, started to marginally improve but then were even more sharply exacerbated by the Cost-of-Living crisis. In January 2023, 24.4% of households with children reported food insecurity in the past month. Find out which social groups are affected, what partners are doing and how data can be used to effectively serve the hardest-impacted communities.
Read MoreIn Wakefield 11,994 volunteers, donate 863,574 hours contributing £11,735,970. Wakefield is the 54th most deprived District in England out of 317 with 17.7% of the district’s population living in neighbourhoods amongst the top 10% most deprived in England.
Read MoreIn our first series of Insight briefings on the Cost-of-Living Crisis, we are sharing good practice and lessons related to fuel poverty – and the actions of partners in response, with particular focus on Warm Space Provision.
Read MoreSituational updates on Türkiye and Syria, Cost of living resources and more information about grants for community groups, Winter Pressure updates on Warm Spaces and Norovirus and details on upcoming events and exercises across the sector.
Read MoreNHS critical support, cold weather alerts, winter preparedness, energy bill discount scheme for VCS organisations and more information on our next capability event on the National Risk Register and Warm Spaces.
Read MoreNHS critical support, cold weather alerts, winter preparedness, energy bill discount scheme for VCS organisations and more information on our next capability event on the National Risk Register and Warm Spaces.
Read MoreUpcoming Winter Preparedness scenario exercises, have your say in the State of the Sector survey and what are the EP partners doing for help with the Cost of Living crisis
Read MoreCurrent situational analysis on Winter Pressures, two upcoming Capability Building events on the issue of surplus donated goods and the cost-of-living crisis.
Read MorePassing of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth: Situational Update and Partner Activity, Release of our 21-22 Impact Report, updates on Winter Preparedness and Cost of Living.
Read MoreHighlighting and monitoring three risks – the impact of the heatwaves, the cost-of-living crisis and the rising numbers of monkeypox cases.
Read MoreThis quarter, the Emergencies Partnership offered three events that partners could choose from, ranging from an overview of Local Resilience Forums, the impact of emergencies on deaf and hard of hearing communities and the impact of the cost of living crisis on communities.
Read MorePartner activity around the current heatwave, details on our next capability event on 21 July 2022 that offers three topics ranging from an overview of Local Resilience Forums, the impact of emergencies on deaf and hard of hearing communities and the impact of the cost of living crisis on communities.
Read MoreHighlights from our session on Cyber Security; read about the current risks and challenges of the Cost of Living Crisis and Human Trafficking; learn how to prepare your organisation in case of a heatwave.
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