In April 2022, we hosted a Table top Exercise (TTX) — a discussion-based session allowing organisations and individuals to discuss what they believe their roles would be and their response to a particular situation. The scenario of the event focussed on heatwaves, with the frequency of such weather events expected to rise in the coming years.
Read MoreFive years of learning since the Manchester Arena attack, are you prepared for a heatwave, report and resources from our recently concluded Table Top Exercise on Heatwave scenario planning and an update on the impact of the war in Ukraine in the UK.
Read MoreOn 8 April 2020, the Chancellor announced an unprecedented emergency funding package of £750 million for the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector for them to continue day-to-day work during the pandemic and meet any increased demand to support people in need.
The evaluation, commissioned by DCMS takes a theory-based, mixed methods approach and aimed to assess the impact of the funding on grant holders, and on people and communities in need (impact evaluation); as well as assessing how well the scheme worked and if it was implemented as intended (process evaluation).
Situational update from Ukraine and details on our Heatwave TTX.
Read MoreUkraine response from the Emergencies Partnership - includes situational awareness, partner updates, actions to take and more.
Read MoreHighlighting how simple changes would ensure refugee families reuniting in the UK have the support they need to build a life here, BRC’s report is based on learning from the British Red Cross Family Reunion Integration Service (FRIS). The service has supported 3,994 family members arriving in the UK to reunite with their family.
Read MoreStorm Eunice updates, reports on our network call and our last Capability Building Session and read an update on our Donated Goods Pilot Project.
Read MoreFor its first capability session for 2022 Melvin Hartley, spoke on Volunteer Management in an Emergency and about how the organisations he visited worked with volunteers to prepare, respond to, and learn from emergencies with the greatest effect, along with how volunteers are vital in both the response to an emergency and the recovery afterwards. He provided insight into managing and working with volunteers, no matter their experience, training, or whether they were regular or spontaneous volunteers.
Read MoreJoin us for our next skills sharing session on Volunteer Management in an Emergency, apply to the Emergencies Partnership Community Engagement Fund and learn more about our new pilot for surplus donated goods.
Read MoreOur response to Omicron, Winter pressures and flooding. Register for our next event on Spontaneous Volunteer Management and read Anna Pashley’s blog on the importance of adapting and working together.
Read MoreA focus on cold weather preparedness with a pack to help you plan for it, learn about our new donation distribution centre and get involved with critical research.
Read MoreJoin us for the first of our quarterly skills sharing events on flooding preparedness, read VCSEP’s submission to the National Resilience Strategy and meet our new local lead organisations.
Read MoreThis report conducted by the Good Faith Partnership, makes recommendations towards a social covenant between faith communities and the government in the Covid-19 recovery phase. Key to this is the creation of more integrated ways of working, through the appointment of a Faiths Commissioner and an Expert Panel of Faith Leaders, to enable further strategic collaboration at all levels of local, regional and national government.
Read MoreThe 2021/2022 review of the National Resilience Strategy and the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 represents an opportunity to transform the way we think about our collective responsibility and role in building and maintaining resilient communities.
This submission sets out evidence and insight and illustrates how the VCS can form an integral part of a collaborative, cross system response to planning and responding to emergencies.
Read MoreCOVID-19 has dramatically altered the assumptions around emergency planning and responses. The Voluntary and Community Sector Emergencies Partnership expanded its work considerably through 2020 and 2021, bringing national and local voluntary sector organisations together to construct a multi-tier framework of communication, intelligence and support. This report by the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University draws its findings from the accounts of 170 local infrastructure organisations.
Read MoreThank you to everyone who rallied around at short notice to provide support to the families arriving from Afghanistan. Read the latest draft of the VCSEP's submission for the National Resilience Strategy Review and updates from the partners.
Read MoreThe British Red Cross’ report, Ready for the future: meeting people’s needs in an emergency, looks at whether the current systems, structures and legislation around emergencies in the UK are people-centred and effective in an emergency.
The research highlights where change is needed and offers recommendations for improvement across seven themes.
Read MoreThe Emergencies Partnership were requested by the Home Office to provide additional help co-ordinating sector support for the Afghan arrivals and the wrap around support for the bridging accommodation.
A critical role that the Partnership played was the effective co-ordination at each stage of support required for the situation. We connected partners - collecting the donations that have come in from generous members of the public, sorting them for use, to packaging and distribution of these to the quarantine hotels – so that together we have been able to meet the needs of the evacuees.
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